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We are currently offering new enrolments the opportunity to join us 9am-3pm each day, for $75.00 per week!

9 March 2021

We are currently offering new enrolments the opportunity to join us 9am-3pm each day, for $75.00 per week! This includes morning/afternoon tea and lunch provided each day. Our team is 100% qualified and offers a varied, exciting and quality education for tamariki! (This deal is available for children aged 2-5, but there are limited spaces for 2 year old's.)

This offer is for a limited time, and terms and conditions do apply. Come and see us, give us a call on 03 332 2746, or email us at!

by Sarah Corkin 27 October 2023
We love creating, exploring and learning together!
by Sarah Corkin 26 October 2023
One of our core values at Buttercups Preschools is whanaungatanga. As described in Te Whāriki, this is a sense of whānau connection – a relationship through shared experiences and working together that provides people with a sense of belonging. At Buttercups Preschool, a sense of belonging is evident each day as we observe and experience so many beautiful interactions. Building connections and responsive relationships between teachers, family/whānau and tamariki is at the centre of all that we do. #buttercupspreschool #buttercupspreschoolhuntsbury #ECE #20hoursece #huntsbury #earlychildhoodeducation #whanaungatanga #belonging
by Sarah Corkin 23 October 2023
We recently welcomed Lynette from Christchurch City Libraries who kindly did a group time with us! Charlie came along too, which was exciting! Ngā tamariki really enjoyed the puppets, pukapuka (books) and waiata (songs)! Thank you to Lynette, as we always treasure her visits! #buttercupspreschooldallington #ECE #20hoursece #dallington #earlychildhoodeducation #buttercupspreschool #chchcitylibraries
by Sarah Corkin 3 May 2023
There is always important work taking place at Buttercups Preschool! Play based learning is observed within our environment, through exploration, turn-taking, communication and dramatic play, amongst other things! Ngā tamariki are contributing to their learning as they are building knowledge with and alongside others, communicating and finding different ways of being expressive and creative. #ECE #buttercupspreschool Buttercups Preschool Dallington, Buttercups Preschool Huntsbury,
by Sarah Corkin 28 February 2023
Our four year old tamariki in the Koru group were introduced to the sounds of different drums today! Koru group is our extension time, designed to meet the needs of our eldest children and introduce self-help skills, new experiences, and a range of learning opportunities, ahead of starting school! Sophie, our head teacher pictured, plays the ukulele and/or mandolin at Buttercups daily, and today she brought in some drums for the children to explore! Our new group planning focus is 'Wairua Auaha | The Creative Spirit' and this linked perfectly. Music and movement are wonderful additions to our classroom daily. #ECE # #buttercupspreschool #huntsbury
by Sarah Corkin 24 November 2022
The children in the nursery enjoy going on lovely hikois to the Shirley Library. Ngā tamariki enjoy looking at all the buses on the journey, and get busy reading books, building with blocks and playing giant connect 4! #community #buttercupspreschool_dallington
by Sarah Corkin 23 November 2022
We recently planted sunflowers at the front of Buttercups Preschool Huntsbury, Christchurch ! The tamariki have been busy nurturing a variety of seedlings from New World , (thank you to those who gifted us the seeds) and they were ready to plant this week. Along with sunflowers, we also planted other flowers and vegetables in our secret garden! 
by Sarah Corkin 7 September 2022
Brr....the hukarere arrived!
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