At Buttercups Preschool, we like to offer a range of activities for tamariki daily. These include challenging outdoor activities, to build on gross motor skills, of which we have static equipment and also resources that children can choose from each day. The rope swing is a much loved part of our outdoor deck space! Every day children are supervised as they take their turn swinging, communicating with one another as they wait for their turn patiently, while encouraging their peers with their new tricks!
Teachers/kaiako support children as they become confident in controlling their bodies and learning their limits. We often have obstacle courses available, whereby the children can develop skill such as climbing, balancing, hopping, and learning to cooperate and share.
Physically active play promotes children's emotional health, as well as their physical well-being.
We are currently taking new enrolments as we still have some availability on certain days, so give us a call on
03 332 2746 or email us at to find out more! We offer the first month of attendance free for all new enrolments, including all food provided! (Conditions apply.)